
Cuando digas basta

, cuando no haya más allá.


Ven. Quédate dormida mientras me cuentas que se acaba el mundo.


Desde entonces te extraño para siempre.



El huso horario de tus ojos, 
que confunde los días con cigarrillos abandonados por la mitad. 
Las veinte diferencias por encontrar en la fotografía de las horas sobre tu escritorio. 
Los víveres para nuestra mudanza de inclinaciones posibles.
 Entre un seno y otro, el inventario de tu meteorología. 
Dibujándose en las hojas arrancadas de tu cuaderno a rayas, de repente, el mundo.


.Geometric nightvision.

I saw a woman holding herself to the world in high heels, like she could fall anytime soon Fall into the vertical. The world was falling with her.
I felt everything was transversal. Everything was bending.
I felt I could hide and disappear inside
An angular world
To find you


Underwater paper dream

A letter that ended up underwater.
A paper plane with a retired dream.
The time I thought a fish could cry.
The acid you took that fell asleep.
The one-tooth fork haunting the knife’s bad dreams.
And the side effects of aspirin.

That’s the only thing I’ll keep.


A line. The line. In your hand leads to a broken ocean. Where all muses go to die

Sweet sleeping caffeine

 Was it life you took
when you fell asleep?


.Paradigmatic horizon.

.                   o                          O                                



I want to make literature to you


.Beat ain't music.

[{(((( ))))}]
I'll hide my vibrations under the soft isolation of silence



.Always be aware of where you put the final dot.